PsL Monthly 1994 January
PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (January 1994).iso
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Public (software) Library
January 1994 Monthly CD-ROM
Copyright 1994 Nelson Ford, PsL, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
AIDS2 1.0 [AIDS2] (John Stevenson, reg. fee: $13) is a mathematical model
and hypertext tutorial about the mechanics of the AIDS/HIV epidemic. It
contains comparative data from Census reports and the Centers for Disease
Carfor 2.41 [CARFOR] (Stanley R. Weiss, reg. fee: $7) contains formulas to
help analyze a race car's needs and to improve performance.
FCC Frequency Retrieval System 1.15 [FCCFRS] (Gene McAvoy, reg. fee:
$30-39) is a frequency management system for HAM radio operators.
GeoClock 5.1 [GEOCLOCK] (Joseph R. Ahlgren, reg. fee: $30) is a map of the
earth which shows the sun's position day or night based on the actual time
of day. NEW: displays the moon's sub point and phase in graphics, and
optionally the phase, subpoint latitude and longitude, and azimuth and
elevation, can be displayed in text. World maps can be centered on a user
specified longitude. Color coded elevation maps are supported.
GreatArc [GREATARC] (George M. Hohl, reg. fee: $10) draws the Great Circle
path between any two of 150 world cities. It can draw distance circles,
compile files of multi-leg trips, and make lists showing the heading and
distance from a selected city to all others. Requires VGA.
Household Tracker 1.6 [HT16] (Fischer Grafix & Software, reg. fee: $22)
keeps track of household inventory.
Jokes & Quotes 1.4 [JQ14] (Michael L. Wester, reg. fee: $15-45) is a daily
message display system that can also be run from a network. It contains
nearly 4000 jokes, quotes, stories, and maxims that can be selected from 25
categories. Network features include global messages to all users, special
messages to selected users, administrator controled categories, and more.
Knitware Sweater Design 1.30 [KSD] (Janet Tombu, reg. fee: $40-45) helps
hand and machine knitters custom design sweaters and prints the pattern
instructions to knit from. NEW: schematic drawing of the design on screen,
customize size data, direct printed pattern to screen or ASCII file; print
designer name of the pattern.
Personal Inventory 2.12 [PERIN212] (Contact Plus Corporation, reg. fee:
$20) is a personal inventory system designed to keep track of items in the
home for insurance purposes.
ScorStat 1.00A [SCORSTAT] (John E. Leslie III, reg. fee: $45) provides
rifle target shooters with advanced statistical analysis of their targets.
The program calculates several statistics and graphs, then prints them.
Requires 386, VGA, mouse, and 1 mb of expanded memory.
VMSYS+ 2.7 [VMSYS27] (Contact Plus Corporation, reg. fee: $56) will help
you keep track of gas mileage and miles driven on a rolling 13 month
history. NEW: slide show tutorial.
What Vehicle History? 2.3b [WVH23B] (Angel Babudro, reg. fee: $69) is
vehicle service history tracking and reporting system.
You're Hired 1.3a [YH13A] (DataWell, reg. fee: $30) is a job interview
simulator that provides realistic training and experience to prepare you for
job interviews.